Holy Name 1956

May 28, 2017

Isn’t there anybody  (alumn) who attended back in the ’50’s? Richard McNally, Jimmy O’Brien, John DeMarco, Kenny Pecanza, and the Brothers who taught us? I know there are some of us still earthbound! We lived across from Greenwood Cemetery, on Terrace Place. We were the “TERRACE WARRIORS”! We had our carpet gun fights with the SEELEY ST. gang. What outrageous FUN!! 16 TERRACE PLACE was the house I grew up in….please somebody, help me to relive those memories! 

“Twitch”, school mate, Holy Name of Jesus, Brooklyn, 1957

May 15, 2017

Does anybody know Richard  McNally and/or how I can reach him? His nicknamewas TWITCH and he knows me by IGGY

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